Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

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just want share what ninja saga ....

A facebook game
produced by Zynga, a game about a ninja who runs a mission, fighting
fellow users, help each other in carrying out the mission by recruiting fellow users ... .. Ninja
Saga in this game there are 5 elements: Wind, Fire, Lightning, Soil, and
Water. For use facebook account Free Users can only control two
elements and to account up the use Premium Users can use the three

At first opened the account for
Ninja Saga immediately be offered to play with Free User or Premium
users, the Ninja Saga (NS), we can play in NS 6 avatar because there
were 6 empty slots to create an
avatar. So, we are free to use or make a ninja avatar we want ....

we have registered as users of the NS, at the beginning of our
entrance, we immediately offered elements that we want to master,,,,
should one inserted element water element (water) because the element of
water can increase chakra more than the water element and water element
is also expertise (skills), the
refresh function to restore blood
when the enemy attacked during a mission or fight fellow users.

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